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Blog of 3-14-2023

Posted 3/14/2023

Let me congratulate Big Apple Ranch ( for their very successful Saturday night monthly dance party! I was finally able to attend this past Saturday and was so thrilled to see so many eager and interested dancers and some familiar faces on the floor for the Two Step and Line Dance lessons and for social dance! It was very nostalgic for me to see this kind of energy on the Country Music and Dance floor once again! It was also great to see my D & D friends, David, Daniel and Donna! I'll be back again on Saturday, April 8th, for The Big Apple Ranch's 26 Year Anniversary Celebration Party at 320 West 37th Street, 2nd floor. I'm excited to bring some friends with me...will look forward to seeing you there too!!!
Now, here's my updated Line Dance Class info:
Hello, Everyone! Please note that there is NO Beg/Improver Line Dance ZOOM Class THIS Saturday, March 18th. I am teaching at The Canadian Line Dance Classic (CLDC 2023) in St. Catherine's! I am so happy to be back at this event after the pandemic break. So, hopefully, I will see you for ZOOM Class #126 on Saturday, March 25th, at 4 PM!
Friendly reminders:
My private line dance classes at 382 Central Park West will resume (after a three year hiatus due to the pandemic) on Thursday, March 23rd, at 7:00 PM. This is a Beginner level line dance class. I MAY add more classes (Absolute Beginner and Low Intermediate) as soon as I can after I determine the abilty levels of the students who attend. Please contact me for all info.
My next Beginner/Improver Line Dance Master Class #8 (Workshop) at NYSC/West 80th, is on Sunday, March 26th, from 1-3 PM!!! It's really been so much fun....will hope to see you there with me! You can sign up and pay for this class on site at NYSC/West 80th at Broadway. Fee is $20 paid to NYSC by credit card.
Please feel free to contact me either on FB Messenger or email if you have any questions regarding my Line Dance OR Fitness classes.

Happy Dancing, Everyone!!!!
Rona Kaye

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Blog of 03-08-2023

Posted 3/8/2023
Hey, Everyone!!! We had a nice ZOOM class last Saturday....8 dancers, 8 dances, a few reviews/teaches. Kindly RSVP to let me know if you will be joining me THIS Saturday, March 11th, for Beg/Improver Line Dance Class #125, at 4:00 PM!!! Wow! A hundred and twenty five ZOOM classes during the pandemic. Kudos to YOU for showing up and keeping ME on my toes!
I had a GREAT Line Dance Master Class #7 at NYSC/West 80th on Sunday! 32 dancers, a lot of Beginner level dances! I am so happy to be introducing new people who are interested in this great sport of ours! It's very exciting! I am waiting on approval for #8 to be on Sunday, March 26th! Hope you can be there with me!
Some of the Master Class attendees will be joining me as we return to the newly renovated Studio 382 in a couple of weeks on Thursday night, March 23rd, at 7:00 PM. I am thrilled to be heading back to what was our line dance "home" since 2010! I am going to see how this class know, who shows up, what their dance level is, etc. I have the ability to add classes and I am thinking about doing that already! Possibly a strictly AB (Absolute Beginner) and a higher level (Solid Improver/Low Intermediate) like we used to have on Friday nights. I am also considering a class time adjustment if I do indeed end up adding these classes. So, stay tuned for all updated info.
I will be teaching in Canada the weekend of March 16th at The Canadian Line Dance Classic! I was invited to teach there in March, 2020. Well, we all know what happened and now we are back after a Covid 19 hiatus. I am so excited to be at this event again! It's really a great dance weekend! Very laid back, great people on Staff and such warm, loving and appreciative guests. I've got some great dances to share with them! Who wants to join us???? Here's the website:
Hope all is well with everyone and that I get to see you and dance with you soon!
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Blog of 2/12/2023

Posted 2/12/2023
I am so looking forward to dancing in Florida this week at The Florida Masters Event (Sunshine 'n Line) in Orlando!!! 
This is a high end event.....lot's of amazing international and USA instructors!  It will be so much fun to see and dance with so many line dance family friends again!
PLEASE remember....those of you who are reading these in person studio classes have been on hold since March, 2020, due to the pandemic. 
I am anxiously awaiting news about returning to the soon as I get approval from The Board at 382 Central Park West, we will be back.  I will keep you informed.
In the meantime, the ZOOM Beginner/Improver classes on Saturdays continue. 
We just had Class #122 yesterday!  My next in person Beg/Improver Line Dance Master Class (Workshop) at NYSC/West 80th will be on Sunday, March 5th, from 12:30 PM-2:30+PM.  More info to follow.
I will look forward to seeing you and dancing with you sometime soon!  Take care and stay safe. 
Please feel free to shoot an email to me if you have any questions regarding my classes!!!
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Blog of Feb 6, 2023

Posted 2/6/2023

Dear Line Dance Family Friends,

I am so ELATED about yesterday's Beg/Improver Line Dance Workshop #6 at NYSC/West 80th!!! We had a full house with 37 dancers in total!!! I was so happy to see a lot of "first timers" and I hope that they had as much fun as I did! The energy was high and I am very grateful to all who attended (and to Maria who did an amazing job downstairs with registration!). We went over the allotted time (2 hours) and danced for almost THREE HOURS!!!! I took a chance by teaching some challenging choreography (for Beginners) and we were successful!!! I KNEW that they could accomplish the feat and they did!!!

Thanks to all of you for your dedicated support....I appreciate it more than you can know. I am looking forward to getting back to the Studio for my in person weekly classes. One of my goals is to have a higher level (Low Intermediate) class in addition to the Beginner level class.....some of yesterday's attendees expressed a desire for this and I am in!!! Let's do this!!! I will keep you informed.

So, once again, thank you from my heart for helping me to share this great sport with you. There is so much more to learn, to dance, to experience. The world of line dance is an amazing international phenomenon and it is my dedicated passion...for so many years now. Welcome to my world, let me do my thing and share as much as possible with you!!! We will have a great time together!

I WILL see you again soon....promising to keep all of you informed about future line dance classes and social events! Please feel free to contact me with any questions that you may have regarding my classes or line dance in general. Please "pencil in" the date of Sunday, March 5th, for our next "Master Class" #7 (Beginner/Improver Level Workshop)...waiting on approval from NYSC Management Team. I WILL keep you informed!

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Blog of Dec 19, 2022

Posted 12/19/2022

Hello again! Well, the traveling for me is on a short hiatus for now. I'm happy to be in New York City for the ever so magical holiday season!

I am excited about 2023! Just yesterday, I had more confirmed bookings and will be adding TWO more Line Dance Weekend Events where I will be teaching next year! My updated teaching event schedule is available on this site.

This past Sunday, December 11th, I had Line Dance Master Class #4 at NYSC/West 80th (where I have been a Physical Fitness Profesional since 2000). We had a great group once again! I am so grateful for this opportunity to share our amazing sport of Line Dance with new dancers. It's so cool to watch them learn, dance and enjoy themselves as they tackle this new world. We WILL have Master Class #5 on Sunday, January 8th! So, pencil in the date and join me on the dance floor! More details to follow about this event.

I am still patiently (not really) waiting to hear about returning to 382 Central Park West so that I can officially resume my in person classes. I have taught line dance there since 2010! The Pandemic caused us to place the in person classes on hiatus and that's when we moved to the ZOOM format on Saturdays. This coming Saturday will be class #117! Wow!

I hope that all of you enjoy a very happy, healthy and peaceful holiday season with your family and friends. Please take care of yourselves and stay well and safe.

Thank you for your continued support...

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Blog of Oct 21, 2022

Posted 10/21/2022

BLOG October 21, 2022 we are looking at Master Class Number THREE at NYSC/West 80th on Sunday, November 6th, from 10 AM-12 PM!!! I am so happy that our first two Master Classes went so well. Happy to be introducing our amazing dance sport to new dancers. Will look forward to seeing some of you there! Kindly contact me via email with any and all questions regarding any of my classes.
We are still ZOOMING on Saturdays! Tomorrow is Class #113! We will review dances we know and I'll be teaching something new!! We will continue to have these ZOOM classes indefinitely. Thank you to ZOOM for helping to keep us sane during the pandemic. I am currently still looking for studio space in order to get back to our in person classes. I'm READY!!! I will keep all of you informed.
I've been very blessed to have been so busy traveling to events these past couple of months. I attended an amazing line dance weekend in New Orleans (The Xperience). Then I taught in the Boston area with my Dance "Sistahs" Lynne, Rosie & Forty, attended Dance For a Cure in Ohio, taught at Windy City Line Dance Mania in Chicago, am off to Detroit this coming week to teach at Motor City Line Dance Classic and then teach again at NYSOL (New York State of Line) in November. Whew! And, I love it! It's been a great dancing and teaching experience for me. I feel very blessed and am most grateful to all Event Directors who continue to invite me to teach at their dance weekends after so many years.
Okay....that's it for now....will hope to run into you somehow, somewhere....hopefully on a line dance floor!!! Please take care and stay safe. Happy dancing, wherever you may be!!!

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Blog of 8-23-2022

Posted 8/23/2022

Hey, Everyone! This has been an exciting line dance week. I have the Master Class coming up this Sunday (please email me for all info) and we MAY be headed back to our sweet little studio at 382 Central Park West in Mid-October! All great news. It is time to start dancing together again IN PERSON! Yes, it's my opinion, but I am hoping that you feel the same way!

We had a great ZOOM Class #108 last Saturday! We danced 11 dances with one new dance teach. I had fun and hope you did too!

Kindly RSVP to let me know if you will be joining me THIS Saturday, August 27th, for Class #109!!!! I'll include some of the choreography that I'll be sharing at the Master Class as I know that some of you in this group will be attending! I'm really happy about that and am very grateful for your continued and dedicated support.

Please RSVP and as always, thank you for your donations for class. I appreciate it very much. Have a great week....try to practice so we can dance more than talk! Sixteen dances on suggested play list....can we do it????? YES!!!!

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Blog of 8-18-2022

Posted 8/18/2022

I'm excited to announce that I will (finally) be having an "in person" Line Dance Master Class on Sunday, August 28th, from 10 AM-1 PM at my "home" gym, New York Sports Club at West 80th and Broadway! Yes, it is a three hour presentation with a lot of teaching from Beginner level and up depending on turn out. The $20 fee is paid to NYSC online OR at the gym on the day of the event. You do NOT have to be a member of NYSC in order to reserve a space in the class.

I am thrilled to finally be able to share the beauty, fun and benefits of our great sport with those who have not yet experienced it and with those who have been with me before! PLEASE email me at for all info including directions to sign up online. It's easy and you DO NOT have to join the gym in order to make your reservation for this Line Dance Master Class!

I am also working on the outdoor event with The Columbus Avenue Business Improvement District on a Sunday in September and/or October and as soon as I have a firm date, I will let you know!

I am hoping that this exposure will interest enough people so that I can resume in person classes soon. I'll be in touch with our original studio on West 97th Street this week and will let you know as soon as I have positive info. Stay tuned.

I look forward to hearing from you! That's Rona

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Blog of 8-1-2022

Posted 8/1/2022

Hello again, Everyone! I just re-read my last entry and it still sounds about right! I have continued our Beginner/Improver Line Dance Class (the original in person Thursday and Friday classes) on ZOOM. This past Saturday was Class #106!!! It was a great class....I had decided to not teach anything new....we just danced with reviews and made it almost all the way through the suggested play list of 23 dances. We made it through 16 dances!! This week's Class #106 on Saturday, August 6th, at 4:00 PM, will include a new teach!

I have been investigating many options to continue to promote Line Dance here in New York City. I have been pricing studios since our precious studio at 382 (where I had been teaching for many years prior to the Pandemic) is still under construction and renovation. I will stop by there again tomorrow to see what the current status is. I am READY to return to in person classes! I WANT to SEE all of you again!!! I WANT to DANCE with all of you again!!! I am hoping that you feel the same way!

I have my finger on the pulse and I will keep all of you informed regarding upcoming line dance presentations here in Manhattan. I'm hoping to have an outdoor class and an indoor workshop soon...looking at dates in September when it cools off a bit.

I hope that the Summer has been good to you and that you have been enjoying your days. I will be in touch with updated news. Stay tuned....

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Blog Update 05-19-2022

Posted 5/19/2022

If you are reading this update here, then thank you for visiting at my website!!! It's looking like my last Blog entry was on April 3, 2020. We were starting to be deep into the pandemic. And, here we are, still, just over two years later! We are still dancing together!! I did begin a ZOOM class in May 2020, exactly two years ago! This Saturday, May 21st, will be our Class #99!!! Amazing. I created this ZOOM class for my Thursday night in person students. I did not want for them to lose all that we had worked so hard for in our Thursday (and sometimes Friday) night classes at 382, our sweet little studio on the Upper West Side.

During the pandemic, I have been dancing online, taking all that the line dance world had to offer, from private classes to Digital Line Dance Weekends. Dancing at home became my way of life AND having this at my feet (so to speak) actually SAVED my life. I have looked forward to dancing either in ZOOM classes or on FB Live for the past two years. I have danced at home more than I ever did pre-pandemic. I am ever so grateful to all of the digital dance promoters and instructors. I was able to teach a few times on The Digital Dance Weekends and am so proud that I was asked to join in on the virtual fun! Thank you to Rachael McEnany-White for inviting me to teach.

So, my friends, I have been feeling like it is time to return to "a" studio for in person classes again. I say "a" studio, because 382 is still under renovation and probably will not be completed until the Fall. I did speak with my contact person there and she is aware that we want to return to 382. She promised to keep me informed. I have made a few phone calls to Ripley-Grier, here on the Upper West Side at 72nd Street, where I taught for YEARS before we moved to 382. This studio is a costly rental but I am willing to give it a try IF I HAVE THE NUMBERS to cover those costs. I will get back to you on the status of this idea. Please let me know how you are feeling about this. It is definitely time to be dancing in person again. Don't you agree?

I was very fortunate this week to have been asked to teach and DJ at a private function. I had suggested to the client to have their long awaited get together (first time post pandemic) at Hill Country, where we were dancing on Mondays nights in 2019. Well, we did and they LOVED it!!! It felt so great to be back at HC and to be teaching and dancing in person again to a small group. I have returned to teaching at the big dance conventions (my teaching schedule is posted on this website), which is another amazing feeling, but teaching Beginner level dances to a smaller class was truly a gift. And the fact that they LOVED it made it all the more special to me. The feedback was great and I am hoping to have a few more new students join us in class. Let's hope that they follow through.

I am determined to continue to promote line dance in New York City. (Tell your friends!) I have a few ideas to promote this amazing sport of ours with the hopes of getting more Beginners involved and to ultimately have a higher level class for Intermediate/Advanced dancers. That has always been my dream. It is time to fight, promote and make that New York City dream come true. If you have any ideas or advice, I am open to hearing what you have to say. New ideas come from different places...bring it on!

I will continue to remain in touch now that I have reinitiated this Blog. I pray that all is well with all of you and that you are happy, healthy and enjoying every blessed moment of each and every day. I will look forward to seeing you and dancing with you soon. xxxx

Rona's Blog History:


Dear friends,
I just want you to know that I have been thinking about you.  I hope that this note finds all of you safe at home and feeling fine.  I am okay, hanging in there, healthy for now and trying very hard to stay in, eat well (and not gain weight!), connect with my many friends (I am blessed) via phone, Facebook, e mail, texts and Facebook Private Messenger.  This is so very important for us to remain connected during this challenging, sad, frightening and tragic time in our lives. I try to do my best and maintain my "one day at a time" mantra.
Having said that....I am exercising every day.  One of my Fitness students informed me about Gilad on Spectrum Channel 469.  I studied and took classes on TV with Gilad a million years ago!  It was early in my Fitness career.  I fell in love with him and his style and he became a real mentor of mine.  It helped me to develop my own personal teaching style which has ultimately gotten me to where I am today, twenty years later.  So, I am so happy to have him back in my life again.  I have been working out with him every day.  Monday-Friday half hour classes are at 6, 6:30, 9, 9:30, 12 and 12:30.  Saturday and Sunday hour long classes are at 9am.  Usually one class is a cardio based and the other is cardio and muscle conditioning.  A great back to back combo!  Yesterday, I got four classes in!  Hoping to do the same today!  This is helping me to remain somewhat sane during this crisis.  I share this with you because it might help you if this is something that interests you.
Now...Line Dance.  Boy, do I miss our Thursday night classes!  So, here are a few things that you might want to consider.  Okay....a lot of my LD teaching colleagues have started doing Live classes on FaceBook.  They are great IF you happen to run into them while perusing.  You CAN take the class after the initial live one in case you weren't able to take it live.  As of right now, I do not want to teach on FB live.  Not now.  Not yet.  I will see.  Maybe I will. (The one dance that I would teach first is "Happy".)  I prefer to have a different type of class by invitation only so that I know who is there with me.  I have started to investigate doing this with Zoom.  I am now a registered member so that is a start.  It's the logistics that is the challenging part.  A lot of my dance friends are teaching class this way and I am talking to them to see what is the best way for me to approach the situation.    So, while I deal with this, please be patient with me.  I will only share a class act project with you.  WE WILL DANCE TOGETHER AGAIN!
If you don't get the World Line Dance Newsletter, you should. It goes out daily from Carol Craven at for years now.  It is our most concise and up to date newsletter regarding line dance.  So now Carol is posting every day the online schedule of classes that are going to be taught in a two day period. These teaches are pretty much on FB. All different teachers from around the world, all levels, some for a fee, most are free.  So, every day you can see what is available from the teachers that have given their info to Carol and Stacy (who is Carol's amazingly talented webmaster....she keeps everything line dance related current and up to date!  Thank you, Stacy!).  If you want to get the newsletter, you can contact Carol Craven at  Feel free to tell her that you are my student or that we know each other.
You can also go to YouTube and bring up the videos that I have sent to you from past classes, Now, granted, we have not really nor can we dance all of the dances that I have taught you over the years. But you CAN bring some of them up, review and then dance a bit.  That is what I am doing now to keep up.  If you snooze, you lose....that is definitely true when it comes to remembering the choreography....just ask ME!!  Oy!  Try looking at Ah Si Ah Si, Rockin The Wagon Wheel, Back On Texas Time, Shotgun Jenny, Rocket To The Sun, Dance Monkey, Senorita La La La, Bayou Dreams, Somebody I Used To Know, A Kind of Hush, Champagne Promise....and the list goes on and on! can practice "Snapback"!!  ;-)   FYI: I promised Fran that when we are back in the studio, that we WILL bring back her fave dance!!!
I will be attending The Digital Line Dance Weekend 2 this coming Friday, Saturday and Sunday!  The first one was two weeks ago and it was an amazing online event.  You can visit for all info.  Last time was mostly Intermediate/Advanced.  I think that this time will include more Beginner and Improver level dances.  The daily schedules are being created now and will be posted soon.  The cost is $50 for the three day weekend.  It's so worth it!  It is done through FaceBook and it is amazing how the DDW1 and 2 Team created this wonderful event so that the Line Dance Family could continue to dance "together" while apart.  The first event had 700 dancers from all over the world participating.  There are teaches, social dancing in between teaches and also an opportunity to learn more about the intructors as they take us on a little tour of their private lives after each lesson.  I am telling you, it was GREAT! 
So, I think that might be it for now.  I hope, as I said before, that all of you are being careful, that you are listening to our GREAT Governor Cuomo and the BRILLIANT 
(and adorable) Dr. Fauci, that you are being careful in order to be safe and stay well, that you are being considerate of others if you are out and that you maintain social distancing, that you are washing your hands and taking precautions when shopping and then getting your groceries home..."Do all the good you can, by all the means you can, in all the ways you can" other mantra.  God bless, stay well and I WILL see you soon, hopefully online before we get back to the studio.  I will keep you informed.  Please feel free to connect with me and let me know how you are doing.  I'd love that.
Warm, sincere, loving and grateful regards,
Enjoy these little videos of levity during this terrible crisis....hopefully, you will chuckle a bit:


It has been great being here in New York City for my weekly Beginner/Improver Line Dance Class.  We have been able to dance our latest challenging dances better because of the continuity factor.  We have been working on Dancing With A Stranger, Blessed, All I Am Is You, Senorita La La La, Soul Shake, Dance Monkey (Johnstone), Don't Wanna Dance and Bonaparte's Retreat, to name just a few. We dance the easier pieces of choreography to warm up.  I'll be starting to travel to teach again soon!  Happy to say that March and April will be busy dancing months for me!  You can check my Dance Event schedule on this site.  The information for the Thursday classes is also listed.  Will look forward to seeing you on the dance floor soon!


Happy and healthy New Year to all!  The Beginner Workshop at The JCC on New Year's Day here on Manhattan's Upper West Side was so much fun!  I had 90 students on the dance floor who learned five Beginner level dances in an hour!  It was a lot of fun!  Weekly Thursday classes have resumed and we have a couple of new students!  I have decided to postpone the Friday Night Absolute Beginner (and maybe a little bit more) Workshop to the warmer months in The Spring or Summer. 
I will keep you informed, so stay tuned.  I was happy to visit with my South Florida Dance Family last week.  I guest taught at The Roundup in Davie (my home away from home) and taught Cherry On Top, Senorita La La La and Dancing With a Stranger. All dances were by request and well received.  It was a great few days in sunny Florida!  Happy dancing, Everyone!


First of all...I'd like to take this time to wish all of you the very best of happy times, happy dancing and great health in this coming year of 2020.  Then I'd like to thank my students again for their dedicated support of our weekly line dance class at Studio 382.  They have come a long way in their dance ability and I am most proud of them.  
Secondly....I will look forward to seeing you at The JCC Manhattan tomorrow, Wednesday, New Year's Day, from 1:30-2:30 PM for my Intro To Line Dance Beginner Workshop!!!!  Please take advantage of this FREE day of classes at The JCC's beautiful venue as they offer their Annual Fitness Fair to ALL!!!!  Pre Registration is suggested.
So, who's joining me in the studio on Thursday?  This is definite....we will review Dancing With a Stranger, Senorita La La La (which is up for Best Improver Dance at this year's Crystal Boot Awards!  Way to go, Julia!), All I Am Is You (also Julia's) and, if we can get to it, Blessed.  I will also teach one more brand new one!!!  Please try to review a bit before class so we can breeze through and dance as much as possible.
So, please let me know if you will be joining me in class on Thursday, January 2nd!
Please note that I am away NEXT Thursday, the 9th...class will resume on the 16th.
Is anyone interested in my Four Week Beginner Line Dance Intensive in February??? This workshop was very successful last Summer!  We had a lot of fun!  Please let me know.  All info about this workshop is on my website.  Please feel free to contact me with any and all questions that you may have regarding classes.  Tell your friends!!!!
I need a TEN student mimimum in order to hold this workshop!
Lastly....please take good care, especially today, New Year's Eve.  2019 went by so fast, didn't it?  But it was a great year, nevertheless, as we are here to talk about it, despite any and all challenges that have faced us.  I am grateful for all of it.  We are a tough bunch, strong in tenacity and in commitment.  Here's to an amazing 2020 for all of you....cheers from my heart to yours...Warm, grateful and sincere regards, Rona


I just wanted to check in and wish all of you a very happy holiday season!  We are still dancing here in New York City on Thursday nights!  Our Beginner Line Dance Class has moved forward and has been learning some more somewhat complicated and challenging choreography! (It's not that bad, really!)  I am most proud of their efforts!  It's been a lot of fun to see their progress!  The updated Winter 2020 class schedule has been posted on this website..  Please contact me if you are interested in the Absolute Beginner Four Week Workshop on Fridays in February.  Those class dates are February 7, 14, 21 and 28.  
I am happy to inform you that I will be teaching a Beginner/Improver Line Dance Workshop once again at The JCC in Manhattan on New Year's Day.  It is their annual "Free Fitness Fair"!  There are classes all day and they are FREE to all!  Check out the class schedule and times here:  I am teaching from 1:30-2:30 PM. 
Hoping that all is well with all of you.....wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year!
Happy to be back here to keep you updated.....well, it's been an amazing travel to teach and attend line dance weekends time for me.  Dancing in Nashville and Ohio and teaching in Chicago, Detroit and Upstate New York has been a whirlwind and a really GREAT time. I am feeling very blessed and most grateful to be a part of so many line dance families!  Yes, it is sad to not be at Hill Country on Mondays anymore.  But, we tried and I truly did give it my very best effort.  I am still holding my weekly Beginner/Improver line dance classes on Thursdays. New students are welcome to join us as we review past teaches and enjoy some new and challenging line dances.  We have upped our game and, let me tell you, it is FUN and very soul satisfying!!!  Please continue to check this website for all updated information.  I have just composed the Winter, 2020, class flyer and it will be posted on this website soon.  Scheduled Thursday classes for the remainder of 2019 are November 21st, December 19th and 26th.  I have decided YES to a TRUE BEGINNER Line Dance Workshop (Four week session) on Fridays in February.  We did this last Summer and had a great time!  Please contact me to let me know if you are interested in joining us in the studio.  I trust that all is well with all of you.  Wishing you a very happy, healthy and delicious upcoming Thanksgiving holiday!
Dear friends.... Well, we tried.....I was informed yesterday that there will no longer be Line Dance Mondays at Hill Country.  We just couldn't get the numbers that The Management needed.   I'd like to thank all of you who made a strong and concerted effort to keep us going for the past six months.  Your dedication and loving support is greatly appreciated.   In the meantime, you can get your line dance on in my weekly classes on the Upper West Side.  I'll keep looking for a suitable and affordable space for future line dance events.   The thing that makes me feel the most sad is that our line dance community in Manhattan has seemed to fade away. Breaks my heart.   To those of you who remain, come and dance with me!  I'd love to see you and dance with you!
I am NOT giving up on this amazing sport that we share!!!  
Please  stay well, keep in touch and have happy and healthy holidays!
With warm, sincere and very grateful regards,   
Rona Kaye
The Management Team at Hill Country and I are looking forward to seeing you again tonight, Monday, October 7th, for our Line Dance Mondays event!  I will continue to review as needed and teach something new!  Thanks so much for helping to support the venue by purchasing something to eat and drink.  The food at HC is really the best Texas barbecue in Manhattan!  Hours are 6:30-9:30 PM!  Feel free to come downstairs at 6:15.  Bring a friend!   Your support means a lot and will help us to keep  Line Dancing alive here in New York City!!!
FYI:  I just received an email from four line dancers from France who will be visiting NYC and want to dance with us at Hill Country on October 21st..I don't even know if we will still be there.  OY!  I just wrote back to them.
Looking forward to seeing you and Frank on Wednesday, travels...xxxxx
Love and thanks,
Last night's enthusiastic turnout was better than expected, considering the holiday. Once again, there were a few new faces and it looks like we are actually having returning "regulars" on the dance floor.  I did quick one wall reviews, reviewed last week's teaches and taught a piece of new choreography called When You Smile.  Last night's line dance play list included Cupid Shuffle, Mamma Maria, K Is For Kicks, Senorita La La La, American Kids, Tush Push, Sundance, Bayou Dreams, Keep It Simple, Shotgun Jenny, Texas Time, Wagon Wheel Rock, CACB and I taught a quick lesson for an El Paso (Partner Classic).  As of right now, we are back next Monday night, October 7th, at Hill Country!  Please continue to check this blog for all updated info.  See you on Monday!  Bring a friend!
We welcomed a few newcomers to the dance floor at Hill Country last night!  Hoping for a few more when we return next week on Monday, September 30th (as of right now!).  Since we were away for six weeks, I reviewed the basics at the beginning of the night and then taught American Kids and Senorita La La La.  Last night's play list with short reviews of each dance included Ah Si, Cupid, Mamma Maria, CACB, Sundance, Texas Time, Bayou Dreams, Imelda's Way, Shotgun Jenny, K Is For Kicks, Keep It Simple, Wagon Wheel Rock and Codigo. We also danced some Two Step and Schottishe.  Please check this website for updated info about the Line Dance Mondays schedule at Hill Country.    See you next week!  Bring a friend! 
I will look forward to seeing you tonight, Monday, September 23rd, as we return to Hill Country (30 West 26th Street in Manhattan) for Line Dance Mondays from
6:15-9:30 PM....thank you ahead of time for supporting the venue by ordering something to eat and drink.  It is very much appreciated.
We will get rolling by 7:00 PM....we have a lot to quickly review (since we have been away for six weeks due to Summer hours and my traveling to teach schedule)....and, I have a couple of new dances to share with you!  I am hoping that we will be able to get to all of it!  Please see previous Blog entries for all of the dances that I have taught and reviewed since we started at HC in April.
So, put on your dancing shoes with the intention of keeping Line Dance alive in New York City!  We are still going at it!  Bring a friend or two!
We will be back at Hill Country for Line Dance Mondays NEXT Monday, September 23rd.  A band was booked and I was informed late last night.  I am so sorry for any inconvenience.  Looking forward to seeing you next Monday, September 23rd, at Hill Country for Line Dance Mondays!!!
09-14-2019 (See update above, next line dance is 9-23)
The Management Team and I are looking forward to seeing you again THIS Monday, September 16th, for our return to Hill Country (30 West 26th Street) and our Line Dance Mondays!!!  You can come downstairs after 6:00.....things get moving after 6:30.  Supporting the venue by having a bite to eat and something from the bar is greatly appreciated (Best Texas BBQ in NYC!). Thank you ahead of time for that!
I will be reviewing like crazy throughout the night with the hopes of dancing as much as possible!!!!  Your support means a lot....bring a friend or two!  I can promise you a great time!
Have a great weekend!  See you on Monday night!
Dear friends....I was (apologetically) informed late last night that Hill Country was cancelling our Line Dance Mondays event tonight (August 19th). The reason is that this time of the year is a very slow period for NYC restaurants in general with many New Yorkers being out of town these last few weeks of Summer. 
Our next scheduled date is Monday, September 16th.  I am dancing out of town on the 9th (sorry about that.) 
I hope that this does not cause any inconvenience to any of you.  So sorry for that. Thank you for your continued support of this event.  We will see you on September 16th at Hill Country!!!!
We danced a lot tonight at Hill Country.  Because the dancers are so diverse, it's necessary for me to do one or two wall reviews most of the night in addition to the real teaches.  Play list included:  Cupid Shuffle, Black Velvet, K Is For Kicks, Wagon Wheel Rock, Ah Si, Mamma Maria, Slappin' Leather, Trashy Women, Cruisin, Boot Scoot Boogie (re-teach), Keep It Simple, Imelda's Way, CACB, DHSS, Tush Push, Mucara Walk, Rock It (teach), Reggae Cowboy (teach), Sundance, Bayou Dreams, Texas Time, Shotgun Jenny.  Last night's teaches had been requested.  Next time, I teach CURRENT choreography now that these old classics have been taught!!!!!  We return to Hill Country on Monday, August 19th (There is a band scheduled for Monday, August 12th.)  Future scheduled date is August 26th.  See you at Hill Country for Line Dance Mondays on August 19th!  Bring a friend!!!!
We had a fun night at Hill Country last night for Line Dance Mondays!  We were happy to see some new faces on the dance floor.  Thanks so much to everyone who is continuing to support line dancing in New York City and the venue.  Last night's teaches and play list:  Cupid Shuffle, Black Velvet, Mamma Maria, Come Dance With Me, Texas Time, K Is For Kicks, Rockin' The Wagon Wheel, Gypsy Queen, Tush Push, Imelda's Way, Sundance, Ah Si, Bayou Dreams, Chocolate Melon, Shotgun Jenny, CACB, A Kind Of Hush, Copperhead, I Close My Eyes, Champagne Promise, DHSS, My Maria, Cruisin', Codigo, Day Of The Dead.  Next scheduled date is Monday, August 5th!  Will look forward to seeing you there!  Bring a friend!
Just a friendly reminder that we are back at it at Hill Country on Monday, July 29th, for our Line Dance Mondays! All info listed on the sites listed below...30 West 26th Street in starts after 6:00 PM! Looking forward to seeing you again downstairs at Hill Country! Bring a friend! Lessons and requests. No cover. Great food and bar menus!!!! Current upcoming dates are August 5th,19th and 26th. (These dates are subject to change per restaurant bookings.)
Wow!  What a great night at Line Dance Mondays at Hill Country on July 15th!!!  One of my line dance students celebrated her birthday and had over 35 guests who did an amazing job on the dance floor!  A few of my fitness students from NYSC and some of my line dance family from Queens and Manhattan showed up!  Of course my Manhattan line dance students were there too!  Thanks so much to all of you for supporting the venue by ordering food and bar specials....the food at HC is delicious!!!!
Once again, I happily shared as much choreography as possible!  Play list/teaches included Cupid Shuffle, Mamma Maria, CACB, Good Morning, K Is For Kicks, Keep It Simple, Cruisin', Tush Push, Sundance, My Maria, Bayou Dreams, Texas Time, Lay Low, Imelda's Way, Groovy Love, Who's Up All Night?, I Close My Eyes, Blessed, Gypsy Queen, Champagne Promise, Shotgun Jenny, Wagon Wheel Rock, Sweet Caroline, Chocolate Melon. We are scheduled to be at Line Dance Mondays again this Monday, July 22nd!!!  See you then!  Bring a friend!!!!

We had a great time at last night's Line Dance Mondays at Hill Country!  
I had a great little group of dancers and was able to teach them about 15 dances throughout the night!  Looking forward to next Monday, July 15th!!!!  We will be celebrating one of my student's birthdays!  Come by and say hello and dance a few with us!!!  I will review a lot and add some new choreography!  Bring a friend!!!  
We had another interesting night this past Monday line dancing at Hill Country!!!!  We danced a significant amount and reviewed again because we had some new dancers with us!!!  Always happy to see that!!!
Please note that the Hill Country Management has booked a show for this coming Monday, July 1st, so, we will be returning for Line Dance Mondays on Monday,  July 8th.  We are also scheduled, as of right now, for July 15th and 22nd.  Please plan accordingly!  So, I will see you on Monday, July 8th!  Visit us on Go NYC!!!!
Happy and safe holiday to all!

Last night's "Line Dance Mondays" at Hill Country was so much FUN!!!!  We had our "Regulars" and a lot of new attendees who did a great job on the dance floor with quick teaches and reviews.  Play list/reviews/teaches included:  Cupid Shuffle, Ah Si, Good Morning, CACB, Trashy Women, Texas Time, Bayou Dreams, Sundance, Cruisin', Slappin' Leather, It's All About The 3 Steps, My Maria, Tush Push, After Midnight, Kickin' It, K Is For Kicks, Black Velvet, Struttin' With Sugar, Codigo.....will look forward to seeing you this coming Monday, June 24th, at Hill Country!  Bring a friend!!!

I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow night, Monday, June 17th, as we resume our "Line Dance Mondays"  at Hill Country!!!  Downstairs opens at 6:00 PM if you'd like to come down and have a cocktail or soft drink and a bite to eat before the party gets started around 6:30 PM.  
We run until 9:30 PM.  
I will quickly review all of the dances that I have taught before our hiatus (please see list below) and I will teach something new, with the hopes of dancing as much as we can!!!!  Partner dances will also be called.
Hill Country is located at 30 West 26th Street, between Sixth Avenue and Broadway.  Bring a friend!!!  I'm looking forward to seeing you!      


What a beautiful day here in Manhattan yesterday.  Warm, breezy and Summery outside and very cool inside at Hill Country last night!  Thanks for your support! 

Dance play list for the two hours that we danced (I taught and reviewed): 

Cupid, Ah Si, Texas Time, Bayou Dreams, Mamma Maria, Sundance, Shotgun Jenny, BSB, CACB, Trashy Women, Cowboy Rhythm, Cruisin, Slappin Leather, My Maria, Keep It Simple, Tush Push, Mucara Walk, After Midnight, Rockin The Wagon Wheel, Codigo. 

Looking forward to seeing you for our next "Line Dance Mondays" at Hill Country.  Will inform you of upcoming dates.


Well, despite a very dreary and a lot of depressing all day and evening rain in Manhattan yesterday, we still happily danced a significant amount last night at Hill Country!  Thanks so much to the very dedicated "quality and not quantity" group of line dance fun seekers who showed their support of me and the venue!  I appreciate your loving loyalty and continued interest in what this line dance world has to offer.  I had a couple of new attendees which necessitated teaches and walk throughs of these Beginner level oldies: 
Shotgun Jenny, A Kind of Hush, Rockin' The Wagon Wheel, Kickin' It (NJ Step), CACB, Good Morning, Mamma Maria, Ghost Train, Come Dance With Me, Small Y'all, Empty Pockets, Somebody I Used To Know, Forever Cool and The Bomp.
I am looking forward to this coming Monday, May 20th, to seeing you with me again at HC.  The plan is to quickly review so that we can dance (and establish a line dance repertoire) and I will teach a few of the more current pieces of  choreography.  See you for "Line Dance Mondays" at Hill Country on May 20th!!!  Bring a friend!!!

We return to Hill Country for "Line Dance Mondays" on Monday, May 13th!!!!  I will be quickly reviewing all past dance teaches (see previous blog entries) and will introduce a couple of new pieces of choreography.
Looking forward to seeing you on Monday, May 13th!  Bring a friend! 


We had another great night of line and partner dancing at Hill Country on Monday, April 22nd.  Thanks to all who joined us despite the weather conditions (rain) and that it is a holiday week.  Your support is greatly appreciated.

--Quick reviews of last week's dances:  Cupid, Ah Si, Shotgun Jenny, Boot Scoot Boogie, WW Rock
--Review of "Oldies":  Sundance, Black Velvet, 16 Step
--Teaches:  Good Time, What Makes You Country
--Play List:  Cupid, Ah Si, Shotgun J, BSB, WWRock, My Maria, Sundance, Black Velvet, Good Time, Cruisin', American Kids, Day of the Dead, CACB, Music To My Eyes, Tush Push, Mucara Walk, El Paso, Sweet Caroline, What Makes You Country, Two Step 
See you on Monday, April 29th!!!!


Thanks so VERY much for a great first night at Line Dance Mondays at Hill Country! This “work in progress” line dance party was well attended and supported by an amazing line dance line dance class students, NYSC fitness students, so many old friends from D & D, my line dance family who schlepped into Manhattan from Long Island, Staten Island, Queens, Brooklyn and Westchester County and some new faces I had not seen before (“welcome to the family “!). Thanks so much to the Management Team at HC for their support and help last night. It was great to work with Carrie, Chase, Paul and Brandon. Thanks to everyone there who supported the venue. It is greatly appreciated. I hope that you enjoyed yourselves and that we will see you again next week at “Line Dance Mondays” at Hill Country! Please check my website for all info regarding my local line dance classes. My Beginner Intensive Workshop starts on Friday, April 26th in the studio.

A great big thank you as well to my Luigi Jazz Dance Family who saw me teach for the first time last night at Hill Country! Thanks for your support. I hope that you enjoyed yourselves and that you return for more line dance fun! See you in Style class on Saturday! I’m excited to get my Luigi on after being away for these past few weeks. Thanks again, Ladies! Your support means a lot to me!

Dances taught on Monday April 15, 2019:

Cupid Shuffle, Ah Si, Shotgun Jenny, Rockin The Wagon Wheel, Slappin' Leather, Boot Scoot Boogie


Hill Country in Manhattan!
30 West 26th Street between B’way-6th
6:00-9:30 PM

Looking forward to seeing you and dancing with you at Hill Country.

Yes, I’ll be teaching throughout the night. Downstairs opens at 6:00 and I’ll probably start to teach around 6:30 ish.

I suggest coming early to have a bite to eat upstairs. Then come down to the line dance party.

Full service bar upstairs and downstairs. All food menus available downstairs too! 

Hill Country is best known for its authentic Texas Barbecue.

Check the HC website for all menus and upcoming special event and live music schedule.

There is no cover charge, so, please, I encourage you to support the venue. See you soon!